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Property price guide
All the property data within the RED property price guide (also known as RED Estimates) is real time (live) and also dynamic, ie it gets updated as soon as new properties are uploaded into the Real Estate Database (RED), it also (dynamically) allows you to select filters that are based on Category/Location and Bedrooms.

Average market values
Our property price guide (RED estimates) displays a visual representation of the average (typical) market value of properties for rent/sale in a specific location with a specific number of bedrooms over several years, the guide provides a graph with calculations based on historical data from 1000s of homes that are already in the database.

Stating point
The RED Estimates (RED property price guide) is a very helpful starting point in estimating a home's value, but it is not an official appraisal/valuation. The bar graph for the current year is automatically recomputed every time a new property is uploaded within the respective locations/bedrooms, so the data for the current year may fluctuate as new properties are uploaded into the RED.

Free tool
The RED Estimates property price guide is a free tool that will help you to view the change (trend) in prices of properties for sale and rent over a period of several years, each graph is based on number of bedrooms for houses within some of the most popular real estate locations.

Buying or selling
If you are buying or selling a property in any of the available locations then this guide will give you an idea about what the value of your property was or what its is or what it will be.

Better decisions
This data can also help you as a real estate player to make better decisions, refine your marketing activity, improve your customer relationships, and minimize risk at all levels.

Accuracy  Level
The accuracy of this guide depends on location and availability of data in an area. Some locations have deeply detailed information on homes such as number of bedrooms, bathrooms and square footage and others do not. The more data available, the more accurate the graphical values will be.

Your contribution is needed
If you are an agent or developer, you can contribute the data by uploading your properties directly into the RED so that they are part of the property statistics in Uganda, you can contact us on +256705162000 (Julius Czar), feel free to let us know how we can improve or how you can contribute even more.

HOTEST LOCATIONS - Uganda is a rapidly growing country in East Africa, with a rapidly growing real estate market. The country has experienced a significant rise in the construction of residential, commercial and industrial properties, making it an attractive destination for both local and foreign investors. In this article, we'll be exploring the hottest real estate locations in Uganda and what makes them so attractive. Kampala: Kampala, the capital of Uganda, is the country's largest city and is one ....

MARKET TRENDS - Welcome to our real estate market trends! Here, you will find valuable insights into the current state of the real estate market in Uganda. We will explore the factors that make real estate sales more successful in some areas than others, as well as the market trends around the country. One of the most significant factors that influence real estate sales is location. Certain areas with good infrastructure, security, and access to amenities such as schools, hospitals, and shopping centers ....


Mansion for sale in Kyanja
Hot deal
House 🏠 for sale located at #kyanja has #6bedrooms #6bathrooms all seated on #18decimals ready mailo land title selling at #1.6bn ugx
Location - Kyanja
District - Kampala
Type - Mansion
Sizesix bedroom
Status - For Sale
Ugx 1,600,000,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Villa for rent in Muyenga
On offer
Hot deal
8 bedrooms mansion in muyenga for rent . $2000 usd per month. For office or residence
Location - Muyenga
District - Kampala
Type - Villa
Sizeeight bedroom
Status - For Rent
$ 2,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Mansion for sale in Kira
Hot deal
Executive 6 bedroom house for sale in kira
Location - Kira
District - Wakiso
Type - Mansion
Sizesix bedroom
Status - For Sale
Ugx 1,200,000,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Villa for sale in Kira
Hot deal
5 bedroom Villa for sale in Kira Wakiso
Location - Kira
District - Wakiso
Type - Villa
Sizefive bedroom
Status - For Sale
Ugx 780,000,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Storeyed house for sale in Namugongo
Hot deal
A storyed 4bedroom house in namugongo sonde for sale
Location - Namugongo
District - Wakiso
Type - Storeyed house
Sizefour bedroom
Status - For Sale
Ugx 320,000,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Mansion for sale in Nakassajja
Hot deal
7 acre country home in nakasajja for sale
Location - Nakassajja
District - Wakiso
Type - Mansion
Sizefive bedroom
Status - For Sale
Ugx 850,000,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Storeyed house for rent in Kololo
Hot deal
4 bedroom Storeyed house for rent in Kololo Kampala
Location - Kololo
District - Kampala
Type - Storeyed house
Sizefour bedroom
Status - For Rent
$ 4,500
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Storeyed house for sale in Kasenyi
Hot deal
3 bedroom Storeyed house for sale in Kasenyi Wakiso
Location - Kasenyi
District - Wakiso
Type - Storeyed house
Sizethree bedroom
Status - For Sale
$ 172,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Storeyed house for rent in Lubowa
Hot deal
Under construction
5 bedroom Storeyed house for rent in Lubowa Wakiso
Location - Lubowa
District - Wakiso
Type - Storeyed house
Sizefive bedroom
Status - For Rent
$ 2,650
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Villa for sale in Lubowa
Hot deal
5 bedrooma flat house for sale in lubowa located in the heart of lubowa!! mere minutes from distinguished schools shopping,dining and more! This 5bedrooms home with a modern kitchen,dining room, living room and 5 bathrooms is seated on 23 decimals with p
Location - Lubowa
District - Wakiso
Type - Villa
Sizefive bedroom
Status - For Sale
$ 350,000
Real Estate Agents in Kampala Uganda
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Mob: +256705162000 / +256788162000

Street: Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road

Plot: 24, Bifro House, 1st floor office 8

Email: info@RealEstateDatabase.net

PLEASE NOTE: For property details, contact the agent or the number attached to each property, not the general info numbers above.


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